Basic selection tools

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these drawings are all done using tools in photoshop when experimenting with basic selections and layers the green one used polygonal lasso tool, the red one used the Lasso tool and the black ones used the magnetic lasso tool. The polygonal lasso tool helps you draw using lines and is very difficult to do curves. the magnetic lasso tool follows your mouse around and draws wherever your mouse goes. and the normal lasso tool is used to make shapes and fill the shapes with colour.The lasso tool is useful for drawing freeform segments of a selection border. Select the lasso tool, and set feathering and anti-aliasing in the options bar. See Soften the edges of selections. To add to, subtract from, or intersect with an existing selection, click the corresponding button in the options bar. i find these tools very useful as it always you to draw pretty much anything however it isn’t an easy tool to use and takes some time getting used to which means that the image you draw might not look as nice as you think it might.

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