Cityscape Illustration Task 1-01

The black arrow allows you to click and resize objects. The white arrow allows to select anchor points and also allows you to select individual objects that have been grouped. you can change the colour of the fill or stroke simply by selecting the square colour icon at the bottom of the tool bar. You can also choose to have no colour or no stroke by selecting the white icon with the red line going through it. To move several objects at once you need to click shift to select more than one object then click windows, object and group. This will group the object and you can move them at the same time to move an object from the group you would have to go to window, pathfinder and divide. to zoom in on illustrator you need to press space bar, cmd in order to zoom in. In order to zoom out you must press space bar, cmd and alt. To change the size of the digital paper you must go to the toll tab at the top of the screen and you can change the hight, width and you change if you want your screen to be portrait or landscape. tTo put one object in front of the other you simply press cmd X then cmd B then that’ll bring the object behind to the front. You can make a triangle in illustrator by using the pen tool and drawing out the shape of a triangle.

when doing my cityscape illustration i found a lot of success in creating a high level of detail in my people in the town. i also found success in my buildings and flats and in making them look nice and each building looks different and original. however i had very little success in my car designs and they were very plain and all very similar which in time i will learn to improve my car designs.i also had a bit of difficulty early on with layers but i fixed that as i learned more about illustrator.  if i had the opportunity to start again i would focus on doing each layer at a time so i can go back and edit things easier and i would work on my car drawing skills so that i could have a more detailed road and illustrator as a whole.

People: scan_79080_2018-09-24-10-21-41

Bus: scan_79080_2018-09-18-13-16-21

Car: scan_79080_2018-09-18-13-17-12

motorbike: scan_79080_2018-09-25-14-02-50

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