Quick Selection tool

what is the shortcut for the quick selection tool?

To select the Quick Selection Tool, click on its icon in Photoshop’s Tools panel, or press the letter W on your keyboard to select it with the shortcut.

what other tool is in the sub menu of the quick selection tool?

The magic wand tool is in the sub menu of the quick selection tool.

explain what ‘add to selection’ does?

it adds bits of the object you want to keep in the image.

explain what ‘subtract from section’ does?

it gets rid of what you don’t want to keep in your image.

what might a positive of destructive editing be?

a positive of destructive editing is that the image can be improved drastically.

why might it be good to use Non – destructive editing be? 

a positive for using non destructive editing is it allows you to make changes to an image without overwriting original image data.

what tool would you use if you wanted to refine selections?

Click on refine edge tool from the option bar or press ctrl+alt+R/cmd+opt+R.

explain what anti alias is with photoshop selections? 

Aliasing is the visual stair-stepping of edges that occurs in an image when the resolution is too low. Anti-aliasing is the smoothing of jagged edges in digital images by averaging the colours of the pixels at a boundary

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