Javier Mariscal

Javier Mariscal was born in Valencia in 1950, and developed his professional career in Barcelona. The Mediterranean culture of both cities is revealed in his work: from it he has inherited the hedonism, optimism and symbolism that characterises his designs, as well as the vibrant range of colours and his poetic approach. His boldness is porportionate to the great challenges he has taken on, from the mascot for the Barcelona Olympic Games to the overall design of an extremely luxurious hotel, to the creation and direction of the film Chico & Rita

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The creation of Estudio Mariscal in 1989, comprising a team of specialists who work closely with him, has allowed him to deal with complete projects. Mariscal is internationally renowned and his work reverberates widely in the media, due to the fact that he knows how to communicate directly with the general public, as does his work. Mariscal expresses himself in a personal language that is complex in its intention and simple in its declaration. It is innocent and provocative at the same time, allowing Mariscal to innovate, take risks and tickle the eyes of those who gaze on his work, creating complicity with the viewer.

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