Animation Treatment

Working Title – Toast


Genre – Animation / comedy


Duration – 30 seconds


Target Audience – 15 – 35-year-old men or women.


Outline –A toaster spots a piece of bread and begging’s to move slowly towards the bread. After about 2 seconds the bread notices the toaster and get up and starts moving away from the toaster keeping its distance. All of a sudden, the toaster speeds up so the bread continues to keep a distance away from the toaster until the toasters wire gets tight and stops the toaster moving any further. The bread believing it is safe drops onto its back and just lays still. While the bread lays there the toaster goes back to where it started and looks at the book for 2 seconds before beginning to move at a very fast speed back towards the bread and the scene ends with the wire snapping dude to the speed of the toaster.


Character Breakdown – there are only two characters: the toaster and the piece of bread.


Visual Elements / Mise en Scene- the scene will be set in a kitchen on the kitchen counter with lighting coming from the window.


Audio – the scene wont have any talking from the characters. There will be a quite soundtrack in the background. There will also be a slight sound effects for when the characters speed up and when the wire snaps.


Rationale – this idea is good and will work really well for me on Maya. This is because my skills using Maya are a bit basic at the moment as this will be my first full project and time using the software so I wanted to pick something quite simplistic but still challenges me which is what this animation does.


Primary and Secondary Research – I have tested lighting in Maya by practicing it on a robot and on a cylinder. I also practiced with cameras in Maya when doing my spaceship flying thorough a town. I have researched into animating inanimate objects through different clips such as Oogles


Requirements and resources – I will need an apple mac with Maya installed on it.


Constraints and Contingency – I will probably find a problem with the lighting from the window and shadow placement I will figure out how to overcome this problem by recording the scene in real life before animating it to get an understanding on where the shadows will be on the screen .


Legal and ethical considerations – I will need to stick to the legal terms and agreements for YouTube as my film will be put on YouTube.


Budget – This project will be free as I have free access to Maya and an Apple Mac in my college.


Schedule – This project should take about a month to complete.

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