Fonts for my animation

The font i am using for my animation is Aachen Bold. This is the same font that is used in all Quentin Tarantino movies and i think it fits the theme of my animation really well.

I will be using this font in many scenes of my animation. For example, at the very beginning of My animation it gives a quick backstory of the place, time and date of where the animation is starting. later on in the animation you skip to the evening the time will come up and the location comes up as the Spanish Armada are drifted out to the north sea.

Screenshot 2020-03-17 at 15.49.08

Image result for quentin tarantino font

this font works really well because of the contrasting and bright colours used which make no sense to the theme of the movies. Quentin Tarantino often is very unorthodox with his films and does things that don’t really make sense like in his choice of fonts and music. he chooses to use bright and bubbly fonts with up beat music yet the film is supposed to be very dark and is filmed in a dark way. this often intrigues the watcher and i would like to use this method in my animation taking a dark theme and adding music and dark comedy to intrigue the watcher.





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