Video Production

I had multiple roles throughout the process of making our film noir production. Firstly,  i helped with ideas generation and planning by doing a storyboard. we came up with different ideas for shot types and cool angels and different shots for one scene. once we started filming my role was to hold and use the clapperboard. This is a device in which is  used in filmmaking and video production to assist in synchronising of picture and sound, and to designate and mark the various scenes and takes as they are filmed and audio-recorded. I felt i worked quite hard to ensure that the scenes were good although i wasn’t director i still put my points across when i had one. i didn’t hesitate to tell the team if i felt we were filming something poorly or if i had a better idea for a shot. However, my job of holding the clapperboard was relatively easy and didn’t have to do a lot of physical work to contribute to the film. I feel our group worked really well throughout the whole planning and filming process. everyone did there role really well with no arguments. Also, we all had our points to say and everyone listened when someone made a point and everything was tested and tried even if people didn’t agree 100% in what the idea was. Everyone got on with what they had to do and done a really good job. however, if someone done something wrong like camera shaking or sound muffled we would address it and re film instead of arguing and creating unnecessary problems. Our final edit was good however there could be some improvements. for example due to our film being shot in a room in which we had to rent out for an hour at a time we had very limited time to get the shots that we wanted so a lot of the scenes felt rushed and not filmed to a level that we wanted. We ran out of time in many situations and ended up by just getting the bare minimum of shots which lead to one of our scenes not actually getting enough footage therefore we had to cut it out of the scene which is annoying as it would have added a lot of depth to the scene and created a much more intense scene which is what we are going for. On top of this our sound from our film noir is all from the camera and therefore quite a round soundtrack and can hear noises from outside this is due to our microphone footage being lost. I learned how to work in a team of people in a work environment and how to mange job roles and get everyone working on one thing over than there being loads of arguments and people not doing as much work as others. I also learnt how to use a clapperboard and what it does and how important it is to a film as i always thought it was just a reminder however it actually makes a big difference to the scene if it was used of not.