In Depth Game Treatment


30th March – 1st April 2019

Oscar Godwin



Game analysis

‘Capture’ is a first-person shooter based in London during the riots.


Offline Game concept

The offline mode is a Campaign Story in where you play with 4 characters and complete different missions. The story is based around these 4 characters who work together to get out of the riots without being harmed however there are a few hurdles that you have to get passed.


Online Game concept

The online mode is a 6 v 6 battle in London as both teams fight to get to a bag of cash which is located in a Landmark in London somewhere. You have 3 lives if you die 3 times you get kicked from the game. You can play this with your friends or with random people online.


Game Goals

Consumer expectations: a high-level console game that people enjoy to play.

Deliver the best possible shooting game possible: A game that exceeds expectations and goes beyond any other first-person shooter ever made.

To hook people into the story mood: create a story mode so captivating that people get hooked on it in the first mission and can’t stop playing until they complete it.

Defining Experience: Create a world that makes people feel like they are in the game.

Players to make friends through the game: to create a game that will have people interact with each other through the game and create digital friends or even get closer with people you don’t know too well.


Game Genre

The Genre of ‘Capture’ is a First-person action adventure shooter. The game is developed for consoles such as X-box and PS4


Target Market

The main target market is pegi 12 who are casual gamers. The primary focus goal is to appeal to as many gamers as possible and the majority of gamers are casual gamers who enjoy action games. The main objective target audience is between 12 to 18 years old but there will be more added content to the game that’ll appeal to those beyond this age group.

‘Capture’ will appeal to a larger audience than just casual gamers as there are different difficulties for the hardcore gamers and the online mode matchmaking means you will be playing against people similar ability and levels.


Competitive Analysis


-Battlefield v


-Return of the Obra Dinn

-Project Warlock

-Call of Duty


-Far Cry


-Star Wars Battlefront

-Modern Warfare




Gameplay Direction

The gameplay is based around the riots and what it was and is like to be in a riot. Its focuses on the setting, and the reality of what the riots are like in the real world.

The aim for the gameplay is to create an environment that is fun to play in and interesting for the players. In the campaign there will be missions all over London to create a fun game in which you doesn’t take ages for a game to start.

The gameplay is primarily based around the riots and what the riots are really like and not how they are shown out to be on tv.


Objectives of the game (Offline)

The objectives of the campaign mode is to get all 4 characters through the riots without any being killed. There are missions all through the campaign that you need to get through that use all 4 characters.

The story behind the characters and how they got there is told through cut scenes that come in-between missions.

The campaign mode is made for casual players who are interested in an intense action based story.


Objectives of the game (Online)

The online mode is a 6v6 Capture the money based in London.  The concept behind the idea is that you and your 5 teammates must work together to capture a bag of cash that is located in a landmark in London without being killed by 6 people who are trying to complete the same task you are.

You have 3 lives and when you die once or twice you respawn back at your camp/base but when you lose all your lives you get kicked from the game.

You have the choice to invite mates and play as a team with your friends or you can join a random online game with people you don’t know and you can talk through the game chat with them.

There are weapons scattered all around the map that you can pick up to use against your opponents. You can also take your opponent’s weapons when you kill them.


Feature Characters

Jay: Jay is 19 years old and he comes from Egypt but lives in Stevenage. He is a student studying finance at the university of London.

Amy: Amy is 31, she has two kids who are 3 and 5 with her husband. She works as a bartender in a small pub just south from central London.

Martin: Martin is 23 years old he has a 2-month year old son with his girlfriend. He works in the army.

Carl: Carl is 36, he used to be in the army but now works as a teacher. He is an intelligent man who worked on tactics for the army so is very good when coming up with ideas and plans for what to do in certain scenarios.


Story overview

The campaign is set around Jay, Amy, Carl and Martin. They found themselves in the London riots some by choice and some got caught up in issues. The story starts in a car park where Amy walks out of a shop to be dragged into a car by Carl where she finds Jay and Martin. Carl explains to them what has happened. This is where the first mission takes place, it is your job to get Amy Jay Martin and carl to safety by driving through the street of London to Carl house. When they get there, they realise Carls house has been broken into so they are forced to stay out in the street of London whilst on feet, the only problem is to get out of London you need to go through it.

Whilst on feet you come across loads of different tasks and missions you have to complete. The game ends with Jay Amy Carl and Martin getting to a blocked of town protected by police. When you get to the safe place there is a cut scene which shows Jay Amy Carl and Martin talking and joking around as the camera zooms out to show what the riots looks like from above before the story finishes.


Game Length

The story mode is around 6 hours of gameplay with 45 minutes of cut scenes and 4 – 5 hours of missions and tasks to complete. The online ‘Capture’ game doesn’t have a time length and the game simply continues until you kill the whole team or capture the money.


Saving Points

The game does an auto save at end of every mission however if there is a specific place you wish to save you game you can go onto the pause menu and save where you are and continue with there when you come back on.


Game Levels & Upgrades

You can level up every time get 8 kills when you get to level 50 you get upgraded guns. Every time you go up by 50 your guns get stronger and better which adds more competition as people would want to level up. There is also a 1v1 mode that is based on London bridge in which you can build up and have a battle with someone else online or even your friends. The 1v1 mode is a 3-point game. The characters in the game are eligible to be edited as you get higher levels. You get achievements as you level up and some of them consists of different hats and clothes you can put on your characters to edit them to be funnier or look cooler of just to show people that you’re on a higher level.



Difficulty Settings

For the campaign you chose before you start if you wish to play as a beginner, professional or world class. If you play as a beginner the missions are easier as the bots are slower and have worse aim and the cars and are much easier to use.

If you play as a professional then the game becomes a bit harder the bots are quicker and react faster and that cars are harder to drive .

If you play on world class the game becomes very difficult. The bots become very quick and driving becomes much more complicated

Basic Selections

The Marquee Tool

The Marquee tool is the most basic of selection tools and often the one most useful. This tool is used to draw selections based on geometric shapes. Specifically, the marquee tool allows you to draw rectangular and elliptical selections. To form the selection, simply click and drag the mouse. Screen Shot 2018-12-12 at 10.03.00





The options bar

The options bar is used to choose settings for each tool for example opacity, fade distance, blending mode. Options on the bar change depending on which tool is currently chosen, and your choices will remain in effect until you change them.

Layers in photoshop

To create a layer and specify a name and options, choose Layer > New > Layer, or choose New Layer from the Layers panel menu. Layers are so important in photoshop because it makes it much easier to edit your work without destroying other parts of your work in the process. it is also important to name the layers in your photoshop work so you now which layer is which and to speed the design process of your work up. 


Morgan Freeman Photoshop

MF - Original.png

original image

Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at 11.22.30.png

magazine image

Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at 12.26.12.png

Playing around with different tools

i enjoyed using the clone stamp tool as it is a very easy and affective way to alter an image. for instance when changing Morgan Freeman i decided to get rid of the black spots on his cheeks and this was very easy to do using this tool. This effect is often used for magazines in order to make the person in the image look better which is essentially the idea of photoshop.Photoshop’s clone stamp tool allows you to duplicate part of an image. The process involves setting a sampling point in the image which will be used as a reference to create a new cloned area. Select theClone Stamp tool , then check the settings in the options bar.

High Pitch Document

Captured by Oscar Godwin

This game is a first-person shooter in which you team up in groups of 6 to capture the other teams bag of money which are placed at certain landmarks in central London. ‘Capture’  is set in London during a riot outbreak. The online mode is a capture the flag concept where you work in teams to get the a bag of cash placed somewhere in London. There is also an offline story mode as-well which is about a gang in London at the time of the riots and there journey.

This game is made for Ps4 and X-box One consoles and therefore uses the common ps4 and x-box controlls. However there is an add on you can pay for which includes a unique controller shaped as a gun which allows the player to feel like they they are in the game and gives a more enjoyable feeling when playing.

In Capture you can drive cars, boats and helicopters around the map. The game is based in a rundown rioted London with few cars however if you are lucky enough to find a car you can drive it. This will help you get closer to the flag and win the game quicker. You get 3 respawns throughout the game. Every time you get killed throughout the game you respawn back at your base where the money is kept. If you do lose all 3 lives you get to watch your team mates’ screens until they die. You can level up every time get 8 kills when you get to level 50 you get upgraded guns. Every time you go up by 50 your guns get stronger and better which adds more competition as people would want to level up. There is also a 1v1 mode that is based on London bridge in which you can build up and have a battle with someone else online or even your friends. The 1v1 mode is a 3-point game. The characters in the game are eligible to be edited as you get higher levels. You get achievements as you level up and some of them consists of different hats and clothes you can put on your characters to edit them to be funnier or look cooler of just to show people that you’re on a higher level. There is also a campaign mode you can choose to play in which you are in a gang of 4 and you are travelling into London to try and earn money for your family. The campaign is an intense story of the gang and you will be controlling the leader of the gang and making all the decisions throughout the game.

‘Capture’ is design for a Pegi 12 audience as there are violent scenes and some bad language which may not be suitable for children under the age of 12

People who play this game are going to be achievers who have a desire to win and do better than others as the main aspect of the game is to upgrade your guns and get better levels. The players will have a desire for gaming and getting better at different games. The more you play this game the better your guns get and the better you get.

The genre for this game is a First-person shooter Gun game.

I won’t be using any established licensed properties. All the guns and cars in the game will all be redesigned for this game only. Some cars may look similar to pre made card however will be completely re- branded

Captures biggest competition will be ABP Reloaded as it is also a first-person shooter with very similar features. However, our game hasn’t copied them as there are features in Captures that ABP Reloaded doesn’t have. Such as being able to drive cars and fly helicopters. Also are unique controller system is completely different to any other shooting game seen on PS4 and Xbox One. You can also upgrade your guns depending on you level which you cannot do on ABP Reloaded. The upgraded guns adds more rewards and reasons to play the game

I hope to achieve a game that is highly visual and realist to the point where people who live in London recognise places when playing. I want people playing the game to be in the middle of an intense game then recognise where they are and be able to go their in real life. I also want people to be able to see what London would look after some kind of riot or war and see London being rundown which may interest lots of people who are fascinated in wars and riots.

There are 12 characters 6 for each team one red team and one green team you can tell who’s on who’s team as there is a band around the characters arm. The characters all have different features in which they wear and what they look like but as you get higher levels you get different achievements which allow you to edit the characters to suit you and you can edit them however you want. There will also be an added campaign story mode where a gang is the middle of the riots and is trying not to get caught be police while robbing banks and shops with a few fights along the way. As for the Story mode there are 4 characters and you will control the gang leader who makes all the decision and helps to guide his gang through the riots.